Voluteerism & Networking Instead of making networking a big, hairy, scary chore, what if you found ways to make it easier, fun and more effective? For example, find an organization you’re interested in joining, or an event you want to attend. Offer your services. Yes; raise your hand to be part of the programming or […]

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Taking The Time to Just Think  According to a recent article on Inc.com, Warren Buffet has spent 80 percent of his career reading and thinking. Inc contributor Brian Scudamore says even though it seems counterintuitive to devote that much time to not being “busy,” he heralds Buffet as a trailblazer in this regard, and several […]

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Spirit of Purpose.  Are you curious about what that means and how it applies to you? This installment of Spirit of Purpose TV explains this universal concept and how you can tap into truly authentic living.   Subscribe to Spirit of Purpose TV by going to my YouTube channel.

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First there was IQ.  Then came EQ, which stands for Emotional Intelligence.  Now Judith Glazer of “The Harvard Coaching Institute” has introduced the concept of CQ or Conversational Intelligence. CQ taps into our need for self-expression and validation.  Glazer says that in environments where people can share their aspirations, intentions and fears freely, the door […]

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I’m pleased to announce a wonderful addition to the Spirit of Purpose self-improvement tools. Spirit of Purpose TV will inspire, motivate and transform the way you approach challenges and achieve your goals. We will continue to share written Spirit of Purpose content in my blog, but I will also provide these quick video messages to aide in your successful quest […]

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If you’re looking for ways to be more productive, here are several tips from a Fast Company article titled, “The Art of Doing Everything.” Don’t waste time on unnecessary decisions, like what to eat for breakfast or lunch.  Eat the same thing everyday.  Also, for men and women, consider simplifying your work wardrobe.  For example, […]

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Abraham Maslow’s approach to psychology was unique.  He was the man responsible for identifying our “Hierarchy of Needs,” which describes how human beings prioritize getting their needs met.  His diagram placed the most pressing “psychological” or basic needs at the bottom of the pyramid. Breathing, food, water, sex and sleep are among the basic needs […]

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Dr. Maya Angelou lived a noteworthy life.  There is no question that her teachings and way of being positively affected the lives of many people around the world. In one of her quotes that I treasure, she said:  “One isn’t’ necessarily born with courage, but one is born with potential.  Without courage, we cannot practice […]

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When New York Times Editor Jill Abramson was fired, she was in the process of working with a career consultant who was helping her address some of the “management style” problems that reportedly did her in. Understanding how you’re perceived by others at work is invaluable knowledge that can be put to use to enhance your […]

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Recently, I had the honor of speaking on a topic that intrigued and inspired me.  The topic was about how African Americans in Atlantic City’s early history created a strong, affluent and successful community in spite of pervasive racism and negative stereotypes.  My talk was among many activities supporting The African American Heritage Museum of […]

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Following through with a desired change in behavior can be a challenge.  Sometimes, its as simple as forgetting what you said you would do.  For example, I recently decided to drastically reduce my intake of processed sugar because I feel SOOOO good when I don’t eat it. But, here’s the rub:  I’m not always conscious […]

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Do you ever feel like you’re not really competent, but everyone else is?  Do you sometimes feel like you’re acting as if you belong, but you don’t.  Figure that it won’t be long until you’re found out?  When others praise your work or compliment you, do you doubt their sincerity or feel like the recognition […]

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In the UK, they dubbed it “Fail Friday.”  Friday, January 24th was the day they predicted the Brit’s collective willpower would wain and resolutions would be broken.  Only 3 percent, the “Independent” article says, are likely to keep their resolutions for the entire year. In Canada, CTV’s story “Making, Breaking New Year’s Resolutions an Annual […]

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Dear Teressa, I currently work part time in education and I absolutely LOVE IT!!! But I’m working a full time job I totally dislike. How does a single mother with two children, break into a career that she absolutely loves, even after exhausting her “network,” applying to numerous jobs in the education field, extremely active on […]

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Q: Dear Teressa, I have a burning desire and drive for making my Motivational Speaking business a huge success. It is important to mention that I discovered my purpose (Motivational Speaking) in 2010 but I started speaking at school during my spare time in 2007.  I am a full time employee at a public institution […]

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Every week, the content of my blog is based on a real-life scenarios – ones I’ve experienced as a facilitator, executive and personal growth coach, keynote speaker, as well as a manager and leader. Unresolved challenges at work and in life often get in the way of productivity and personal satisfaction. They cause us to question ourselves and the value of contributions we make.  Issues at work also […]

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The relaxed pace of summer is, essentially, behind us. Fall is nearly here. Hard to believe, but true. It’s time to refocus on “work” – whatever your age and stage in life. For the kids, its back to school. If you’re in the responsible adult category, you may feel called to re-engage with the particular […]

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I’ve been searching the web trying to figure out who first said, “Done is better than perfect.”  Long before it became synonymously attached to “Lean In” author Sheryl Sandberg, it was a phrase that perfectionists and endless tweakers used to break them of crippling, obsessive behavior. If you know who first said it, please shoot […]

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