According to Gallup, companies that allow employees to work remotely not only increase engagement and retention, they also reduce their carbon footprint.  When employees work at home, they use less paper, less electricity and produce less solid waste. In addition, they drive fewer miles and emit less carbon dioxide.  Sun Microsystems reported that when they allowed 24,000 […]

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Recently, government agencies have started to pull back on their telework arrangements.  As a result, one agency found no increase in productivity.  But sick leave and vacation requests increased, and two-thirds of employees considered quitting.  Today’s workforce has embraced jobs they can do remotely.  What was once seen as a special privilege is now an expectation.  For companies to attract […]

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As more and more companies allow employees to work remotely, chances are you may have the opportunity to do so. recommends asking yourself three questions before you say, “Yes.” Why do you want to work from home? Do you want to work in your pajamas and conduct business from bed? If so, you’re not […]

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Increasingly, many of us have the flexibility of working from home. It has its benefits, and it can also wreak havoc on one’s ability to stay focused. Fast Company contributor Amanda Zantal-Wiener offers these 6 tips for staying on task when no one is present to hold you accountable. Maintain a routine. Start each day […]

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