PODCAST: How Remote Workers Impact Our Environment
According to Gallup, companies that allow employees to work remotely not only increase engagement and retention, they also reduce their carbon footprint. When employees work at home, they use less paper, less electricity and produce less solid waste.
In addition, they drive fewer miles and emit less carbon dioxide. Sun Microsystems reported that when they allowed 24,000 U.S. employees to work at home, it prevented the release of 32,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide. Xerox reported that its remote workers drove 92 million fewer miles, reducing carbon dioxide by nearly 41,000 metric tons.
Millennials genuinely care about their company’s carbon footprint. Gallup found that sixty-seven percent of people age 18 to 29, and forty nine percent of those age 30 to 49, believe global warming is a serious human-made threat. Twenty one percent of millennials say in the past year, they’ve switched to jobs that align with their values.