PODCAST: Get Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable
Is Your Comfort Zone Holding You Back?
Are you ready to move up the ladder, but feeling plagued by the “What if’s?” Are you nervous or unsure about a new role you’ve got your eye on, or a lateral move into an area that will broaden you experience and responsibility. Rest assured. You’re not alone.
During the course of your career, you’re bound to make moves that bring on feelings of insecurity and emotional discomfort. But learning how to move forward in spite of feeling uncomfortable is an important business necessity. It’s important to note that I’m not talking about the kind of discomfort that comes from something appropriate. I’m referring to the discomfort we feel when we’re standing at our growing edge.
It’s natural to feel this way, but consider this: the discomfort is only temporary. When you move forward into that next adventure, you’ll stretch your boundaries and your comfort zone. You also expand your capacity to manage stress, which is inherent to change.