When it comes to decision-making, do you procrastinate? Do you weigh the pros and cons, over and over, again? Do you hesitate in an approach-avoidance dance? If you do, you’re not alone. Many people fear making the wrong decision, so they make no decision at all.

According to “Psychology Today,” Emotional procrastination starts with the whisper of negative emotion. In another article they report that procrastination reflects our perennial struggle with self-control and our inability to accurately predict how we’ll feel tomorrow, or the next day.

When we don’t take action today on something we know we must do, tomorrow becomes even more crowded, and our negative emotions intensify. Yet, we would feel so much better if we just get it done instead of pushing the decision into the future.

Consider this – it may help you feel freer to take action: As long as you have life, no decision is your last. Life requires decisions. In fact, not deciding is a decision. So, relax, you’re going to make great decisions and you’re bound to make some mistakes. That’s reality. Perfection is one of the LIES that limit., because it’s an Illusion. It doesn’t exist.

So, when you’re facing a decision that’s difficult to make and you find yourself procrastinating, try these four steps.

  1. Do your due diligence. Be deliberate and thorough. And, don’t waste time wallowing and worrying.
  2. Then, make a decision. Decide and take action.
  3. Pay attention to evidence that presents itself about the impact of your decision. Notice what happens. Learn from the impact of your choice. See what adjustments are needed..
  4. Then, do whatever is necessary to correct course. Making adjustments helps you make the decision right – it helps you make it work. By the way, adjustments might even include deciding again.

Remember, you can always make a new choice. No decision is your last.


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