Begin With Reflection
Thanksgiving is a one of my favorite holidays! It calls my attention to the bounty of blessings I enjoy every day…and don’t always acknowledge.
Whatever our circumstances, no matter how privileged or challenging life may be, too often, we give too much energy and attention to what’s wrong, what’s lacking, what’s worrisome. In so doing, we don’t honor the good.
This Thanksgiving week, as you awaken, focus on two to three things you appreciate. As you prepare for bed, identify two to three things you’re grateful for. It doesn’t matter if they’re small and simple or sizeable and significant. Just turn your attention to the good in your life.
As you move through your day, acknowledge acts of kindness, smiles, helpfulness, compliments, expressions of gratitude. Acknowledge those extend by others and those you offer. You’ll feel more positive! Happy Thanksgiving!