The Importance of Feeling Heard

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs teaches us that a sense of belonging is central. Given that basic human need, it’s not surprising that those who feel threatened by social and economic changes, like an outsider, no longer central, spoke out in this year’s Presidential election.

In every aspect of our lives, we want to matter. We seek validation. At work, study after study shows that employees who feel their contributions are valued are more productive and more satisfied. Finding ways to assure that all feel heard is a challenge, and it’s possible.

Whether or not your staff varies racially or ethnically, it is diverse…diverse in thoughts, beliefs, life experiences, definitions of inclusion, degrees of self-worth and opinions about the worthiness of others. As a leader, it’s important to understand what drives the individuals who make up your team. It starts with empathetic listening and setting an example that shows respect for differences.

Best Jobs For Right Brain Thinkers

According to right brain-left brain theory, people are naturally inclined to use one side of their brain more than the other. says the best jobs for right-brained thinkers play to their strengths and natural tendencies to focus on creativity and design. They’re drawn to professions that involve imagination. They’re adept at understanding the interrelated parts and pieces of a system. They see the big picture. Right brain thinkers are often in tune with their own emotions, and tend to be empathetic towards others and their feelings. They’re also intuitive, with keen insight and the ability to see through distractions and pinpoint patterns. This makes them good problem solvers.

Good jobs for right brain thinkers: graphic artist, music teacher, childcare professional or social worker, as well as architect, or chemical, computer and civil engineer.

Best Jobs For Left-Brain Thinkers

Are you a left-brain thinker? Logical, reasonable, procedural and systematic? According to, the best jobs for left-brain thinkers require a high degree of routine and are process driven.

Left-brain thinkers have a natural aptitude for numbers. They do well in careers that are detail oriented and rely on accurate calculations. Left brain thinkers solve problems by breaking them down into smaller pieces and analyzing the details. Known for logical and sequential thought, left-brain thinkers excel at handling issues and developing ideas in a step-by-step methodical way. They develop action plans that lead to concrete solutions.

Among the professions best suited for left-brain thinkers: accounting and financial analysis, law and banking, computer programming, network administration, and any position that benefits from strong investigative and analytical skills.