PODCAST: 9 Phrases That Reveal A Bad Attitude
In a 2018 blog post, author Frank Sonnenberg shared 15 phrases that communicate a bad attitude. Here are a few. If you catch yourself about to say any of them, stop, take a deep breath and find another way to communicate your message.
- “They don’t pay me enough to do this.”
- “I’ve always done it this way.”
- “You don’t expect me to do that!”
- “I hate doing this. Give it to someone else.”
- “If I look busy, maybe I can get out of the work.”
- “Nobody’s here, so we can goof off.”
- “Nobody knows what they’re doing around here.”
- “I do what I have to – nothing more, nothing less.”
- “I’ll do anything to get ahead.”
These phrases may sound like innocent whining. Or you may believe you can get away with talking this way to co-workers you trust. But you never know what ripple effect negative messages will have. Being labeled as someone with a bad attitude can be like reputation quicksand.