Survey On Motivation
In a article, Victor Lipman, reports on the results of a survey titled, The 7 Key Trends Impacting Today’s Workplace. The survey, conducted by TINYpulse, asked the question: “What motivates you to excel and go the extra mile at your organization?” You might think the answer would be mega money, or a promotion. Not so. Presented in descending, order employees said they were motivated first by camaraderie with their peers (20%); followed by an intrinsic desire to a good job (17%); feeling encouraged and recognized for their good work (13%); doing work that has a real impact (10%); growing professionally (8%); meeting client or customer needs (8%); money and good benefits – 7%; working for leaders who are positive – 4%; as well as, belief in the company and its product – 4%; along with a few other miscellaneous items.
Consider how you might use these results to improve your workplace.