93% Say They’re More Productive Working Remotely

93 percent of the 3,100 professionals surveyed by the company Flex Jobs said they’re more productive when they work remotely. More than half said home is where they prefer to work.

Fewer interruptions from colleagues, fewer distractions, less office politics and stress from commuting were some of the top reasons cited. 80 percent of the survey participants reported that work flexibility was an important factor they consider when evaluating job opportunities. 81 percent claimed they’d be more loyal if their employers had flexible work options.

Commuting to work was of particular concern. Saving time has outranked saving money for the past four years of this survey. The company speculates that this may be because 72 percent of today’s flex job seekers have a round-trip commute that’s more than double the national average of 50 minutes.

The Best Way To Talk Politics At Work

In this year of heated election debating, you may opt to avoid talking politics at work. But sometimes you can’t avoid it – like when the boss blurts out something and expects a response. For those instances, here are suggestions from the Harvard Business Review on how to reply without alienating anyone.

  • Focus on learning, rather than changing the person’s opinion, try saying, “I know what I think about this topic. I’m curious about why you feel so differently. Would you mind sharing your position with me?”
  • Ask for permission, with questions like “I’m not looking to debate or change your mind. Would you mind if I share my point of view?”
  • Show respect for the other’s perspective. You could say, “I don’t assume I’m right. I want to hear from you.”
  • Focus on Common Ground and areas of agreement. If the conversation takes a dramatic turn, seek out the greater principle governing both of your opinions.

How To Overcome The Dreaded Screw Up

One thing I can guarantee is that we all make mistakes that make us want to hide under our desks. Making mistakes is natural, but if they are not illegal or immoral, they’re rarely career killers. To rebound from a mistake, and calm the anxiety within, follow these simple steps.

Seek to understand why the mistake occurred. You may have been distracted or rushed. Maybe you needed more information or education before you took action. Contemplating why you made the mistake will lead to the solution for avoiding another one in the future. Devise a process or develop procedures that will reduce the likelihood that you’ll repeat this dreaded faux pas.

Now that you’re armed with an action plan, contact the person you report to, or those impacted by result of your error. Genuinely apologize, but don’t over do it. Take full responsibility and be careful not to blame others. Finally explain the lesson you learned and commit to the plan you developed for moving forward.