Look With Fresh Eyes
Want to make 2015 your best year yet? Practice seeing the people and situations in your life with fresh eyes…eyes that view others as allies supporting your growth…eyes that see situations as opportunities to evolve and expand.
Each obstacle, high hurdle, hurtful relationship, impossible situation, and daunting task calls you to let go of resistance to change and to see the person or circumstance with fresh perspective…one that enables you to honor all sides of the story, flex and stretch in new ways, become more creative so that real solutions to annoyances, hardships and dilemmas can be discovered.
The next time you feel challenged, ask yourself, “What’s another way of seeing this? What is this person or situation here to help me learn?”
The tough spots in your life are inviting you to be your best you yet. Step forward and say yes to the call. For more, read LIES That Limit.