PODCAST: Introducing ‘Ask Teressa’
Just in time for the start of the New Year, I have a new tool for your personal and professional development. I’m offering you free advice and coaching by way of “Ask Teressa” — a new feature on the homepage of my website, tmgspeaks.com. Go there to submit your question about a real-life goal or challenge you’re facing.
Trouble coping with your boss or co-workers? Struggling to make an important change that you know would bring new levels of satisfaction? Stuck in a place that is making you miserable? Looking for ideas on how to become more self-aware and exercise greater emotional intelligence? Go to tmgspeaks.com, share your story with me, and ask your question.
Chances are you’re not alone in your struggle. Others will benefit from your question and the response I provide. Your story could be the fuel for future Office Talk reports that will help empower and inspire KYW listeners and my growing number of podcast subscribers.
Visit the homepage at TMGSpeaks.com and ask your question.