How to Find Your Purpose
You, I, and everyone we encounter have the potential to add tremendous value to our own lives, and to the lives of those around us.
But, many of us adopt ways of thinking and beliefs that blind us to our potential and purpose. We engage in behaviors that hinder our ability to live in a way that feels true to who we really are and allow us to express our gifts and innate talents – at home and at work.
This excerpt from my book, “LIES That Limit: Uncover the Truth Of Who You Really Are” describes how we lose ourselves along the way.
“Early on, the knowledge of our real Self – the self that is way more than our personality and habits – is clear to us. We know our particular brand of genius. In later years, if we’re among the fortunate, we rediscover our truth – the reality of our individual uniqueness, purpose and passion. Whenever it comes, such clarity is a gift.
But oh, those middle years – the time when the mind-training takes hold and The Border Patrol becomes an integrated, self-policing aspect of your mind – are the years when you give up a great deal of choice and control. Doing so is in your best interest, or so you’re told.”
To reconnect with your passion and purpose, identify a skill that just feels natural to you. It’s something you’ve loved and been good at since you were a small child. For me, it’s listening deeply.
Everyday, find a way to use your skill – that inherent gift – even if only briefly, and you’ll find yourself feeling more positive, productive and satisfied.
Click here for a FREE chapter of “LIES That Limit” and rediscover what you were born to do and be. Read the stories of real people who followed their dreams regardless of what others said. Learn from those who disconnected from their true “Self” because of LIES (labels, illusions excuses and stories) others planted in their minds.
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