Give Your Gifts, Like Joyce
When we look at people who play BIG, they talk about feeling called to do what they do. They speak about feeling energized and fulfilled by whatever they’re giving themselves to. Their genius is evident when they do what they do. We admire them for the amazing quality of the contribution they make.
Who are some of the people you believe live with a spirit of purpose? They can be people we all know – like Oprah Winfrey or Elie Wiesel or Mother Teresa. And, they may be people most others will never know, unless you tell us about them.
One such globally unrecognized person is my life-long friend, Joyce. She is a woman whose gift is loving, nurturing and encouraging children. She’s done that with her son, and my godson, Freeman. And she shares her gift with other children too.
Joyce works as a Teacher’s Aide, in a school system in my home state, South Carolina. I love the stories she tells me about the children in her classroom, and how she cares for them, day in and day out. Really, it’s more like how she loves, nurtures, and encourages them.
When she tells me stories about the children, the message her interactions convey is, “I see you. I love you just the way you are.”
Her healing message is transmitted through an energetic exchange between her and the children. Seldom is it actually spoken. It’s just understood through the way she looks at them, holds their hand, and through her tone of voice when she speaks with them. Living into that message day-to-day makes Joyce a spirit of purpose. Her energy (spirit) and intentions (purpose) match up. She shares her unique gift with those around her.
You are a spirit of purpose. What is your unique gift? Are you living in alignment with your calling?
Who in your life is sharing their gifts with world around them, however large or small their world? Who are the spirits of purpose in your life – people who are making a positive difference as they use their particular talents? You’ll recognize them because their sharing seems effortless. What they do and the way they are makes a constructive difference in their own life, and in the lives of others.
We invite you to bring your story, spirit of purpose, and/or the stories of the spirits of purpose you know, to light. Use the “Post a Comment” box below to share your inspiration.