Office Talk on KYW Newsradio

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Here is a checklist of 13 behaviors, developed by Stephen Covey, you can learn and apply that will help you generate greater trust and create better results.

Talk straight. Tell the truth. Let people know where you stand.

  1. Demonstrate concern. Show you care. Treat others respectfully.
  2. Create transparency. Be open and authentic, no hidden agendas.
  3. Right wrongs. Don’t cover things up. Apologize quickly.
  4. Show loyalty. Give others credit. Speak about people as if they were present.
  5. Deliver results. Don’t make excuses. Be on time and on budget.
  6. Get better. Continuously improve. Thank people for feedback.
  7. Confront reality. Be courageous. Discuss the undiscussables.
  8. Clarify expectations. Don’t assume they are clear or shared.
  9. Practice Accountability. Hold yourself and others accountable.
  10. Listen first. Listen with your ears, eyes and heart.
  11. Keep commitments. At all costs, do what you say you’re going to do.
  12. Extend trust. Do so appropriate to the relationship, situation, risk and credibility of those involved.



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