Recently, I heard a Vietnamese proverb that says, “When eating a fruit, think of the person who planted the tree.”  The saying called my attention to the times and ways I don’t “think of the person who planted the tree.” It reminded me that everything I accomplish, and all the conveniences and freedoms I enjoy, exist because other people, know and unknown, played a part in their creation. So, when I put forth an idea to improve a process, most probably, I’m building on someone else’s work.  When I started my business, I looked at similar enterprises and used their models to spark the ideas I birthed and brought to market.  And, you’ve probably done the same, too. Let the proverb,  “When eating a fruit, think of the person who planted the tree,” remind you to acknowledge those whose brilliant ideas and courageous acts helped paved the way for the opportunities and success you enjoy.

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