PODCAST: Strengths-Based Leadership
Managing People Doesn’t Always Come Naturally
It’s not uncommon for someone who is very successful in one job to be promoted to a leadership position in which they struggle, even fail. Success in one role does not guarantee success in another. Admittedly, some may succeed no matter where they’re placed. But, for many, failure can result because the bigger job doesn’t play to their strengths.
If you or someone who reports to you is facing this dilemma, consider strengths-based leadership to fill gaps and weaknesses. This concept was developed by Tom Rath and Barry Conchie, authors of “Strengths-Based Leadership: Great Leaders, Teams, and Why People Follow.” It allows a person to focus on their strengths and delegate tasks they’re not good at to more skilled and experienced employees.
Let’s face it, leaders don’t always excel at everything. If they’re expected to be experts at everything, they’ll spread themselves too thin and become ineffective. Good leaders rely on, and nurture, the expertise and strengths within their team to generate success.