One Person Makes A Difference
Mahatma Gandhi, Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, Jr. and Nelson Mandela are well known examples of the significant, life-altering difference one person can make in the lives of many.
Yet, think about it: those who’ve had a profound, defining impact on the person and professional you’ve become are probably far less famous than those I’ve named. Their affirmation of your talents, ever-present support, belief in your ability to learn, change and grow helped shape you for the better. Their words & actions made a difference.
Now, every day you have the same opportunity – the chance to make a difference – be it on a grand scale or at the local level of someone’s life. The compliment you pay a coworker for a job well done may enhance their willingness to collaborate. The “thank you” spoken to a direct report might spur commitment to new levels of excellence. When it comes to making difference, your small, simple actions, day-to-day matter.