Effective Way to Sell Your Ideas
When selling your ideas and proposed initiatives to co-workers and people to whom you report, go slow to go fast. Take the time to clarify the concept so you can easily describe it in vivid terms. Get the offering right and make your story about it magnetic and compelling. You want people to be drawn to the idea when you talk about it.
You will also benefit from taking time to communicate thoroughly with all stakeholders. This process of communicating creates buy-in that is critical. Skip this step and you’ll pay for it dearly down the road.
Take the time now to generate interest and build support versus taking time later to deal with resistance and unexplored objections and concerns.
On your next important project, share the vision and build buy-in among your stakeholders. Go slow to go fast
For more on this method of selling your ideas, check out “When To Go Slow To Get Better Results” by leadership expert and best-selling author Kevin Eikenberry.