PODCAST: Change Doesn’t Have To Be A Setback
Can You Communicate Reasons for Change To Your Team?
Leadership expert John Maxwell said, “Change is inevitable. Growth is optional.”
The pace at which change occurs today can be mind-blowing, unsettling, even overwhelming. For people affected by change, who are outside the inner circle and aren’t privy to the “why” of a specific shift in strategy or direction, change can appear needless.
If you’re a leader who is overseeing large or small change efforts, share the reasons for the change with your team. Discuss the forces behind it with the people who must execute the change and live though the transition that is inherent in the process.
If you’re a middle manager expected to oversee a change, get to know the why of it. Understand it and be articulate about what led to the need to do things differently. Seek out the information you need to get buy-in from your direct reports. Position yourself, and your team, to use the change as an opportunity to grow and evolve.