Mastering The Humble Brag

Sometimes working hard isn’t enough to get noticed by higher-ups. For many – particularly women– “bragging” about accomplishments is difficult. Some even view it as negative. But, Leadership Consultant Grace Killelea points out in a recent interview, that it’s important to be your own advocate.

Among the tips she offers: Don’t look at is as bragging. Instead, view it as positive self-disclosure. Practice acting confident. Observe the behavior of someone whose confidence you admire. Notice how they speak, walk and interact with others, then adopt the characteristics you can comfortably pull off. Back up your accomplishments with metrics. Numbers put your work into perspective and they are memorable.

Avoid diminishing language, such as sentences that start with “I just…” When complimented, resist the urge to attribute it to luck or other people. Finally, find credible allies who can genuinely talk you up when you’re not in the room.

How To Get People To Like You Immediately

First impressions not only matter, but they are hard to shake. Surprisingly, the characteristics commonly associated with likeability — being gregarious, intelligence or attractiveness – have little to do with the how people judge you in those first few seconds. contributor Travis Bradberry says sincerity, transparency and a capacity to understand lead to instant and long-lasting favorability.

So, practice active listening. Concentrate on what the other person is saying rather than what you’re planning to say next. Let the person you’re meeting speak first. Be genuine. It signals trustworthiness.

Use positive body language. Your gestures, expressions and tone of voice should transmit enthusiasm and openness. Uncross your arms, maintain eye contact and lean in toward the person talking. And, remember names, keep your phone out of view, engage in small talk and most of all, be prepared. You’ll win friends instantly.

Don’t Let Personal Social Media Use Harm Your Work Credibility

What’s your company’s policy concerning personal social media activity? Stories about employees being fired after expressing controversial opinions on their personal accounts are fairly commonplace. And, the first amendment doesn’t protect you from being fired for such acts. While different states afford different employee protections, it’s always wise to avoid public statements that could reflect poorly on your professionalism or your employer.

Before spouting off online, remember: your company is run by human beings who will react to venomous or inappropriate comments, which tend to spread virally. Don’t make an employer wonder if hiring you, or keeping you, is a bad call?

If you work for a company with a household name, or one that relies on the trust and support of the community, it’s safest to assume you’re never off the clock when it comes to social media. So, engage mindfully.