Perfect or Excellent? Which Do You Shoot For?
I was listening to Arthur Joseph discuss Vocal Awareness, a powerful concept he founded. He and his work are powerful.
Arthur asked, “Do you strive to be perfect or excellent?”
Hearing the question, I felt surprised by it. Clearly, the way he posed the question suggested there was a difference between the two, but it wasn’t a distinction I’d ever considered. Yet, the moment I heard the question, simultaneous to my surprise, I got it.
Intuitively, I understood – or at least I had a handle on my own interpretation of his message. And, I’m sure Arthur could add far more dimension and depth to the distinction between perfect and excellent than I was able to grasp in the moment. Yet, the question provided me with a gift.
From Arthur’s question, “Do you strive to be perfect or excellent,” several thoughts occurred to me.
- Perfection is illusive and fleeting. It never lasts.
- Perfection is a fantasy that fuels LIES That Limit and is usually based on a narrow, impossible to achieve image or idea.
- Excellence is a way of being.
- Excellence is birthed when you live up to your intention to simply be your best, moment-to-moment, day-to-day.
As I listened to Arthur, I thought to myself, “I will never be perfect, yet I can be excellent every day of my life. I can string together moments of excellence – moments of me doing my best at whatever I’m engaged in. In so doing, I’ll create an extraordinary life – a life that pleases me and represents me well. ”
I won’t delude myself with fantasies of being perfect, in thought, word or deed. As a Spirit of Purpose, I’ll simply shoot for excellence. Day-to-day, moment-to-moment, being excellent means that I’ll do my best to take another step towards making the unique contribution that I was born to make. That’s my work. Consider making it yours, too.
LIES That Limit will help you let go of the voices in your head that hold you back. Order your copy today!