Id & Alter Self-Limiting Beliefs
Want to do a better job with your next presentation, the next meeting you host, the next project you lead, the next difficult-to-motivate person you coach?
All you have to do is identify and alter your self-limiting beliefs and behavior concerning your ability to perform the specific task well. While it’s not easy, it definitely can be done! Here are a few tips and techniques you may find helpful:
- Acknowledge that you have the potential and desire to perform the task well.
- Devote time to research. Learn what’s needed to perform better.
- Prepare and practice, beforehand. Role-play the presentation or conversation until you know it cold and it feels natural.
- Visualize yourself performing the task successfully.
With that, you’re better prepared to experience a new level of success that will fire up your confidence. For more read LIES That Limit.