The Power To Change Your Organization
Ever find yourself complaining about what’s wrong in your organization; saying to yourself and anyone who’ll listen, “Can’t they see this is a problem? Why don’t they do something about it?” Whether you know it or not, you’re disempowering yourself. You’re sounding and acting helpless.
It’s important to remember that YOU are the organization, too. You play a critical role in making the organization what it is. Don’t be afraid to step up and make leadership aware of areas of weakness that they might be blind to.
Instead of complaining about what “they” are doing wrong, adopt the point of view that says, “I’m close enough to the problem to see it clearly. Therefore, I’m in the prefect position to lead the charge to fix it.” This shift in mindset will empower you to use your energy to correct the situation, rather than beat the drums of negativity that come from taking an “us vs. them” stance.
Begin by doing a little research. Then tell those higher up the chain about the problem, what it’s costing the operation and offer yourself as a resource, with ideas on how to fix it. Ask for the responsibility of pulling together and presenting possible solutions. Be a player who adds value – a problem solver with an eye on the big picture.
For more quick tips on navigating the ever-changing workplace, check out my 60-second Office Talk reports as heard on KYW Newsradio in Philadelphia. These quick hits are guaranteed to give you the tools to thrive in today’s hectic environment.