Life Coach LessonIn a year-end post by blogger Penelope Trunk called “15 Things Overachievers Do,” one of those things was they steal things. She admitted to stealing this particular blog idea from “Thought Catalogue. contributor TJ McCue stole the same idea from Penelope for his year-end piece “13 Things Overachievers Do.” My point: achieving great things doesn’t always mean conjuring up new ideas.

Both McCue and Trunk point out that over-achievers have a lot of great ideas, so they don’t mind if others steal them. After all, it’s not the ideas that matter, it’s the execution. And stealing ideas from others can make life easier and that’s okay.

To steal ideas, put yourself in the flow of the ever-increasing information stream. Identify industry thought-leaders or people outside your field whose accomplishments you find intriguing. Pick up their biographies or books, read their columns, watch their shows or follow their blogs.

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Solutions to issues you face at work or at home can be found in the unlikeliest places.  A mind open and exposed to new or unconventional ideas is sure to find them.

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