Guest Blog: It’s Time to Get Out of Your Own Way
Marilyn Kleinberg is the Managing Director of eWomenNetwork Southern New Jersey. For those not familiar with eWomenNetwork, it is a national networking organization for women entrepreneurs and I’m happy to say, I just became a member!
Recently, I was reading my e-mail and one of our members said she “finally got out of her own way” and posted her eWomenNetwork profile. I said, “great and thanks for the title of my next e-newsletter!”
Shortly after, I was answering a survey and one of the questions asked was, “What are your greatest business challenges at this moment? Please only check three:” One of the options was “Myself–I get in my own way.” Clearly I am onto something! And the thing is, I included that as one of my three challenges.
What about you? How often do you set up mental barriers on your road to success? If you live in the woulda, coulda, shoulda world of excuses, chances are you are getting in your own way. Chances also are that you are self-destructing.
I get it, believe me. It is so hard to stay focused, stay upbeat, stay positive and just stay on course when life is coming at you at warp speed.
So every morning I read something motivational to get me started. Some mornings I’ll open Jack Canfield’s “Key to Living the Law of Attraction” and randomly read a chapter or Marianne Williamson’s “Age of Miracles” or whatever happens to be at my desk that morning. It helps refocus me on my purpose and goals in life.
Still, I’m a child of the “glass have empty” syndrome and at some point each day I am certain the sky is falling. It is most destructive when I need to go into a sales mode. I hate follow-up calls!
But like the 12 step program, I am conscious of this attempt to get in my own way and I have recently begun to meet it head on with positive visualization and a “feel good” file a friend gave me one day. Anytime I start to get down on myself I pull out a card or letter from someone that made me smile. I am learning to sidestep my tendency to get in my own way.
The funny thing is, I often find I have the most amazing conversations when I do take the time and make the call. And so what if she’s not ready to join that day–at least I’ve made the connection and created the foundation to build a relationship.
So, my next step is to change the picture on “follow up calls.” I need to rename them the “get to know you calls.” Sounds nicer, less intimidating and now it won’t matter if the glass is half empty—just having the conversation fills it!
If you haven’t already, I encourage you to get out of your own way and attend an eWomenNetwork event for a “get to know you call” with her and so many other fabulous members,