When you take a quick break from work, what’s the first thing you grab?  Do you reach for your cellphone and start scrolling through your favorite apps?  According to researchers at Rutgers, that’s a habit you might want to break. Associate professor Terri Kurtzberg and doctoral candidate Sanghoon Kang studied 414 participants who were asked to solve […]

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A new study released by universities in the UK and New Zealand looked at the pros and cons of a digital detox while traveling.  While there were some cons, the pros won the day.  Here’s more… Although some travelers who disconnected experienced anxiety when they weren’t able to e-communicate or access navigation apps, the vast majority of […]

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    We signal our thoughts and feelings to those around us, even when we don’t intend to. Inadvertently, the truth creeps out. So, if you’re unhappy at work, it’s unlikely that you can keep it a secret. Rather than allowing discontent to fester and intensify, respectfully, take steps to right the situation. For example, […]

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Are your current business goals big, more challenging than ever? Do they feel unrealistic, impractical, unattainable? What if the goal is not the issue, but you are…you and your limiting beliefs? I call them LIES – the Labels, Illusions, Excuses and Stories…self-talk that stops you from thinking creatively and keeps you stuck in fear-based, unproductive […]

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Exacerbated by the proliferation of open space environments, interruptions are an ever-present, inevitable daily reality.  Here are ways to give yourself privacy and uninterrupted quiet when you need it. If you have a door, close it. Turn your back to the main thoroughfare to avoid eye contact with passersby. Don’t answer your phone, including your […]

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Recently, I read that most of us check email 37 times per day…37 times!  I was shocked.  That accounts for 37 daily interruptions…37 times when you stop reading, writing, talking, listening, thinking, analyzing, planning, studying. Take stock of your email checking habits.  If you’re among those who allow email to regularly interrupt your focus and […]

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What could you do with two to two-and-a-half hours each day? Probably, a lot.  That’s how much time the average person loses to interruptions and distractions.  If you get distracted easily, things like unplanned telephone calls, responding to the ding of emails, answering text messages, drop-by-visitors, hallway interactions, emergencies and crises can quickly derail your […]

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